09 - Exploring Boundaries

Boundaries Prep.jpeg
Boundaries Prep.jpeg

09 - Exploring Boundaries

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$5.99

Please listen to the “01 Introduction to Thought Process Trancework” before downloading this session.

The “Thought Process Trancework” sessions are best utilized in order, as each supports and interweaves with the next.

In this preparation session, we’re going to explore how our boundaries are discerned and developed - or not - as we grow and mature as human beings. What kind of experiences prevent a person from cultivating strong, healthy, boundaries; and what leads a person to become so conflict averse that they’d be willing to do almost anything to avoid having to say “no”?

Almost everyone, at some point, runs into challenges, obstacles, or problems in their family, work, or intimate personal relationships - that at their root, are issues around boundaries. This session will provide you with the framework you need to be ready to start clarifying, expressing, and maintaining healthy boundaries!

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