10 - Healthy Boundaries - Trancework Session


10 - Healthy Boundaries - Trancework Session


Please listen to the “01 Introduction to Thought Process Trancework” before downloading this session.

This session is paired with the “09 Understanding Boundaries - Preparation Session”. Please download and listen to session 09 before listening to this session.

Almost everyone, at one time or another is going to run into challenges around the issue of boundaries – it might be one of the most important subconscious thought patterns to address.

This active Trancework session will support you to discern, clarify, express and sustain healthy boundaries. If you’ve ever struggled with saying “no”, or being manipulated, or feeling your priorities collapse under pressure, then you’ll get a lot out of this session.

This session will deliver resources to your subconscious mind that will set you on the path towards greater clarity, trust and confidence in your relationships with others - and with yourself!

For best results, I recommend downloading all of the “Thought Process Trancework” sessions and listening to them, as each of them builds on, and enhances each other session.

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