Welcome to Monarch Trancework
Trancework online, around the world
Wherever you are
If you’re here at Monarch Trancework, then you’re ready to be free from problems arising from trauma, shift and release out-dated beliefs or habits that no longer serve you, and let go of past relationships and emotions that have been holding you back.
You’re ready to explore what's next -
to discover how you can finally step into really being who you were born to be!
You’re truly ready to transform your life, and I can support you in making it happen - through Trancework - which includes Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ancestral Healing, Animist Journeywork (Shamanism), and Psychedelic Integration*.
At Monarch Trancework, together, we’ll focus on unleashing the boundless transformative power of the mind - your mind.
Book a free consultation today, and let’s get started.
Let your transformation begin!
*DISCLAIMER: Monarch Trancework does not provide psychoactive or illegal substances.
Transformation comes in many forms.
Explore what Monarch Trancework has to offer.
Who we are, and what we do
at Monarch Trancework.
“Why do I do what I do, in the way that I do it? With what I have learned and experienced in my life, what do I believe?”
Part 2 - Psychedelic medicines are powerful allies in transformation, and much like anything powerful, need to be approached and handled with attention and care. Preventing harm in psychedelic use is very important to me.
I suggest that if you are considering engaging with psychedelic medicines, that you deeply consider the following ideas. This list is not meant to be fixed or rigid - as there are always risks with any kind of medicine, therapy, or other healing modality, each person must discern the level of risk they find acceptable. This list is intended to bring as many of the potential variables as possible into your awareness, so that you can make informed choices.
After the experience of legally sanctioned psychedelic therapy, many participants are opting to continue their psychedelic journey in the underground. How can you reduce the risk of harm on your journey?
The words and spirit that I bring to share today are an offering.
And so, I humbly make this offering for my Ancestors….
Some of my clients and website visitors have noticed recent changes to my website offerings at Monarch Trancework.
One in particular that I’m being asked about is what I’ve called “Ancestral Animism”. I want to clarify what I mean by Ancestral Animism, and what it entails in terms of sessions with me through Monarch Trancework.
We live in a pharmaceutical culture where we are conditioned into believing that the medicine IS the cure. When we take this mindset into the psychedelic world, it can really cause trouble. I hear on a regular basis about people who have been struggling with depression, or anxiety, or any number of issues who have heard that "psychedelics can help".
Nothing burns my biscuits more than when a new client comes for a consultation and I am informed that they have been told by a previous therapist/counsellor/practitioner that they are “resistant”, or “beyond help”, or that they “don’t really want to get better”.
If you have gone for help to a so called “professional” and they have said any variation of this to you, I want you to know this… you are not the problem. You are not broken. Their failure to help you is their failure - not yours.