Chrysalis Community Info Session - Eshu

If you read my last post and you are interested in learning more about Chrysalis Community.


I’m planning a 1- hour group information session via zoom on Wednesday July 27, 2022 at 6pm. If you’d like an invitation to that session, please contact me directly at


We’ll take a short time to introduce ourselves, and then I’ll talk in more detail about how Chrysalis will be structured, and respond to any questions you might have.


As a short “snapshot” - what I’m envisioning is an very small group - max 12 + facilitators - an ongoing monthly membership that will include each month:

·      1 x group online session – we’ll check in and debrief, learn about a particular aspect of practice, discuss how that practice can be applied, and where appropriate – I will guide an exploration of that practice.

·      1 x individual session – you can schedule when it works for you as a “Trancework Session”, and we’ll explore the development of your resources and practices.

·      1 x group in-person session – We will come together for in-person ceremony, journeywork, and practice.


There will be resources to read, watch, and listen to during the month, as well as ongoing exploration and experimentation within your own practice.


As things develop in practice and community, I can also imagine hosting additional workshops and events – drum making, Trancework retreats, etc.


Resources and skills that will be explored, developed, and practiced in Chrysalis will include:


·      Council Circle – in any community, difficult “stuff” will arise. It’s critical to have a method, tool, and practice to be able to communicate and process the difficult “stuff”. In my experience, it isn’t a maybe, it’s an inevitable when. The time to establish this practice is right up front so that it is well understood and familiar before it is really needed.

·      Creating Sacred Space – Whether we are practicing on our own at home, or with a group in community, how do we create and maintain an environment that is appropriate, empowered, and clear to do deep work in non-ordinary states? This will include creating your own shrine/altar/workspace at home.

·      Developing Relationships with Powerful Inner Resources and Allies – Having learned to create and hold the space, we go within to discover and connect with resources and allies who are benevolent and eager to support and empower our work.

·      Working Tools – We’ll look at beginning to gather, create, and empower objects, instruments, and other physical resources that can support your developing practice.

·      Ritual and Ceremony Making – How to create ceremony and ritual for yourself, and how to work collaboratively with others in ceremony for shared purpose.


There is a lot more to explore, and there is no way I can cover it all here, I hope this is enough of a “teaser” to contemplate until the info session.


Eshu Karl Martin RCH LNLPP (he/him)

I acknowledge with respect living and working in the traditional and ancestral territories of the Quw’utsun’, Meluxulh, and Coast Salish peoples.