Chrysalis Community - Eshu Karl Martin

Today’s blog is to let my readers know about a new and exciting opportunity that is developing at Monarch Trancework.


To begin, some background is necessary, so please allow me to give some context for this endeavour. I realize that some of you may know some or much of what I’m sharing here, but I want to be as open and clear as I can be about what I am envisioning.


First let me say that I will continue with my work with clients just as I have always done, and that this program will be in addition to my client work.


Over the past 30 years, I have been a disciple of Mind, and of the transformative potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness. I began practicing Zen Meditation in 1994, and I was ordained a Rinzai Zen Novice in 1999. From 2004 until 2017 I served as Abbot and teacher of Zenwest Buddhist Society, and in 2013 I was acknowledged as an Osho (Full-Priest and Teacher) in the Hakuin lineage of Rinzai Zen Buddhism by Genjo Marinello, Roshi.


For 6 years, I was the Spiritual Health Coordinator at Victoria Hospice, attending to the profound existential needs of the dying, their loved ones, and the team of professionals that were providing whole-person care at Hospice.


In 2015-2016, I trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy at the Horizon School of Hypnotherapy with Linda Campbell and have practiced as a professional Hypnotherapist at Monarch Trancework since 2016, and in May of 2022, I stepped into my practice at Monarch full-time.


My training in meditation and ceremony through Zen has been complimented by extensive and ongoing training, practice, and learning in Wicca with the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC Canada), Shamanic Healing with Alison Skelton at SoulCraft, Ancestral Healing with Daniel Foor at Ancestral Medicine, Roots to Thrive and Ketamine Assisted Therapy (RTT KAT) as well as in Ancestral Animist medicine ceremony (psychedelics).


My work with my clients at Monarch has included aspects of all of my learning, and I’ve found that the method or modality that is most effective in healing and transformation frequently shifts and changes as my clients gain experience and capacity in working in non-ordinary states of mind.


The work that I do with many of my clients isn’t like most conventional therapies that place the therapist in the “healer” role, and the client in the “patient” role. I strive to support the growth, cultivation, and development of resources, skills, and tools within my clients so that they can access the innate wisdom and healing that is naturally within them.


Recently, my own inner work has been guiding me towards new ways of engaging with clients, and I am exploring ways to offer training in Trancework – guiding people to develop their own personal framework, toolset, relationships with spiritual allies, rituals, and ceremonies so that my clients can continue and deepen their own mental, physical, and spiritual healing and development independently; and laying the groundwork for a community of practice for those who are engaged in this work, and committed to going deeper. The Chrysalis Community.


What I am envisioning is a program of individual mentorship and training, combined with group sessions and ceremony, conducted both online and in person.


Currently, I am accepting expressions of interest in this vision. I will be developing this program very slowly and methodically, and how this endeavour develops will be shaped by the participants and our collaboration in the work together.


If you’ve read this far and are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, please contact me