
Reclaiming Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Language and Culture - A Trancework Journey

At Monarch, my practice of Trancework includes takes many forms - not just Hypnotherapy and NLP, but also Animist Journeywork, Ancestral Lineage Healing, and Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremony. For me, Trancework is an integrative approach to transforming a person’s life at the most fundamental level.

I think it’s important for you to know that I don’t just engage in these practices with people who come to engage with me at Monarch, but that I’m deeply involved in these practices myself.

I wanted to offer a glimpse into how engaging these practices have impacted me, and guided me along in my own path.

I’ve been a learner of Gàidhlig language and culture for nearly three years. This September, I’ll be starting an in-person learning group for local people who want to engage in reclaiming Gàidhlig in the context of decolonization and reconciliation.

What does that mean? Well, the explain my intention for the group, I made a short video. Afterwards, it struck me that this video does an effective job of illustrating the kind of path of transformation that engaging in Trancework can catalyze.

Every day for me it’s as my path unfolds, revealing new lessons, new relationships, and new vistas.

The reason that I do what I do, and offer what I offer at Monarch Trancework arises out of gratitude. I am so grateful for what Trancework has and continues to bring to my life, my relationships, my community, and the world, that I want to offer it to others… and so I do.

The video below is about 10 minutes long. Enjoy!