Ancestral Animism - Eshu Martin

Ancestral Animism - Eshu Martin

Some of my clients and website visitors have noticed recent changes to my website offerings at Monarch Trancework.

One in particular that I’m being asked about is what I’ve called “Ancestral Animism”. I want to clarify what I mean by Ancestral Animism, and what it entails in terms of sessions with me through Monarch Trancework.

Psychedelics - Considering Set, Setting, and Context

Psychedelics - Considering Set, Setting, and Context

We live in a pharmaceutical culture where we are conditioned into believing that the medicine IS the cure. When we take this mindset into the psychedelic world, it can really cause trouble. I hear on a regular basis about people who have been struggling with depression, or anxiety, or any number of issues who have heard that "psychedelics can help".

You Aren’t Broken! - Eshu Martin

You Aren’t Broken! - Eshu Martin

Nothing burns my biscuits more than when a new client comes for a consultation and I am informed that they have been told by a previous therapist/counsellor/practitioner that they are “resistant”, or “beyond help”, or that they “don’t really want to get better”.

If you have gone for help to a so called “professional” and they have said any variation of this to you, I want you to know this… you are not the problem. You are not broken. Their failure to help you is their failure - not yours.

Fear, Shame, and Money - Eshu Martin

Fear, Shame, and Money - Eshu Martin

It’s amazing how well people can survive, even when they are entirely avoiding conversations about money. A person can find careers that will help them justify your avoidance - in paths like Spirituality, Religion, Social Services, and Arts. A person can build entire communities with other people that carry the same kind of shame and self-doubt and feel totally justified in doing so… and I did… all of it… really well!

It’s entirely possible to survive with a maladaptive belief – but it is nearly impossible to thrive.

The Problem With Making Ends Meet - Eshu Martin

Recently I’ve been working with a few clients that want to better understand their issues around money. Some of these clients have significant incomes, and yet they still find themselves just getting by.

The more money they make, the more their expenses seem to increase… they keep working more and more so they can get ahead… but the bills always seem to catch up to them. So what’s going on?